Thursday, January 28, 2010

It feels like I've just woke up in a world where down is up and up is a long way from here. And the big wheels well they keep on turning, they don't slow down they just keep on learning. Well my names not Alice but i know how she felt when her world started turning into
something else.

I don't get it. I don't get why you're being like this. I always considered you to be someone that... well just someone that was mine. Without thinking, I thought you would be there for the important moments, that you would make sure you were there. I always thought you would be on my side, that I wouldn't have to ask you to be on my team cause you would have already been there with bells on. But you aren't.
I think I idolised you. In fact, I know I did. The thing was, I always thought you sort of idolised me too. That we were idols in each others eyes. But now I'm learning the truth. That it was a one way street with us. That I would and have done anything and everything for you. But now that it's your turn to step up to the plate, you're backing off, distancing yourself. And I'm left on my own.
Just step up, please.

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